Sometimes the path seems long and winding, but there is help!

Newly Mastered!

The 5-part series for graduate students seeking their first
professional job.

Did you know?

–       Most professional jobs are never advertised;

–       The unemployment rate for 20-somethings is twice as high as other age groups.

–       The most common reason people procrastinate on job hunting is fear of failure.

How to get that first professional job is not a skill that is taught in graduate school.  Here you are, an amazing person, with an amazing education, ready to go out and live large.  But you don’t know how to take the first step.

Sure, you know you are supposed to have a resume and write a cover letter, but do you know how?  Do you, really?

I’ve given you a number of techniques that you can take away and use today for social media, but obviously in one-hour but this is only a small part of what I can help you do.

For those of you who want to take this further, I offer a simple five-part course for people who are coming out of school with a professional master’s degree, to help you create the pieces of the puzzle that will deal with all of the tools you need to look and be professional in a job search.

 1.  Uncovering: The stealth job market;

 2.  The Matrix: Using social media for true networking;

 3.  Red Hot: Writing resumes that sell you;

 4.  Irresistible You: Acing the tough interview questions;

and, last but not least,

5.  Nimble Negotiating:  Getting the salary you want.


All this for the incredibly low price of $125 with NM code, or $25 per week. That’s less than most people spend on one dinner out.

Each week, we will discuss a different topic in depth, with plenty of time for questions and answers.

Register Here!

By enrolling in this program today, you will get a discount and have a supportive group as you move through the job-hunting process.  Each week we will begin with a check-in process and end each session with each person stating their goals aloud for the following week. After the brief presentation and discussion of the document templates, we will discuss areas where individual members have questions.

These five short modules will prepare you to hit the streets, now, before you graduate!